Student Involvement in Sustainability

The SRJC Associated Students (AS) leadership has demonstrated a strong commitment to sustainability through its goals, programs and activities. The Student Senate works collaboratively on sustainability efforts at Santa Rosa Junior College, sets the student agenda for sustainability and advocates for the implementation of best practices throughout SRJC.

This involvement includes bridging with the Students for Sustainable Communities (SSC), an umbrella organization that coordinates the sustainability activities of college clubs. SSC has been recognized for its efforts as the recipient of the “Best Practice Award” at the 2010 Higher Education Sustainability Conference. Its members have also received other awards for their sustainability practices and efforts.

SRJC students are involved in organizing and participating in “green” trainings, lecture series, film series, and conduct a wide variety of sustainability activities across the college and in the community.

In addition, when funds allow, the A.S. employs a Student Sustainability Coordinator and other student employees to assist in organizing and implementing college sustainability projects.

How to Get Involved!

Contact SSC at and find them on Facebook (you must be logged into a personal Facebook account to access). SSC is now active on both the Santa Rosa and Petaluma Campuses. They want to hear your ideas and hope that you will become active in SRJC’s sustainability efforts. Students may also contact Student Life & Engagement at (707) 527-4424 for more information.

Without the enthusiasm, dedication, and imagination of our students, SRJC would not be the green college it is today. Student efforts have led the college toward sustainable policy and practices and will continue to fuel our efforts and interest in conservation and sustainability.  

The following are some of the ways that students have excited us with their strong commitment to going green and a supporting a Sustainable SRJC, including accomplishments, current projects, future initiatives and a list of core values.

Sustainability Accomplishments

  • Instrumental in getting the college to endorse the Talloires Declaration; collaborated with administration, faculty and staff to make this important signing happen on April 20th, 2011.
  • Conducted two successful waste audits on the Bertolini Student Center food waste containers. 
  • Created the “Green Squad,” an educational team making students and staff aware of the appropriate use of waste receptacles in the Bertolini Student Center Dining Commons.
  • Students have led Professional Development workshops for faculty and staff to engage them in discussion on how to make the campuses more sustainable.

Continued Efforts & Future Sustainability Initiatives

  • Build relationships with key college stakeholders and decision makers, including the Integrated Environmental Planning Committee (IEPC), to create a vision statement and strategic plan for the institutionalization of sustainability philosophy and practices into a comprehensive sustainability management plan. Students work with campus leaders in both Santa Rosa and Petaluma to promote District-wide sustainability efforts.
  • Continue to develop the Bertolini Student Center into the model sustainable building at SRJC for both facilities and sustainable practices and behavior. 
  • Continue to work on a plan to pilot a composting program at the Santa Rosa or Petaluma Campus.
  • Conduct a comprehensive sustainability audit of the Bertolini Student Center
  • Implement Fair Trade sourcing for supplies, vendors, and food by working with the Auxiliary Enterprises Committee. 
  • Propose to SRJC students that the A.S. Constitution be amended to include a Vice President for Sustainability to coordinate the sustainability initiatives of the Student Senate.
  • Advocate for policies that affect sustainability at the local, state, and national levels; students have been successful in collaborating with local government officials.

Core Values for Sustainability

  • Aspire to Zero Waste
  • Use Renewable Resources for Energy
  • Integrate Source Reduction Strategies
  • Practice Local & Organic Food Sourcing
  • Use Green Building Principles in all Projects
  • Limit Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (Climate Protection)
  • Purchase Using Fair Trade Guidelines
  • Integrate Sustainability Throughout Curriculum