CubCard premium student ID- more than $1000 in discounts

CubCard Premium Flyer Spring 25

Be a savvy student and purchase CubCard Premium today! This awesome student discount program pays for itself in discounts and free events, and it's only $15! 

Plus, all proceeds from CubCard Premium directly support student programs on campus.


Pick up your student ID and CubCard Premium validation sticker at the following locations:

Santa Rosa Campus - Bertolini Front Desk, 1st Floor

Petaluma Campus - Welcome and Connect Center, Mike Smith Hall

Click Here To Purchase CubCard Premium!

Where To Use Your CubCard Premium

Image of football athlete running with football in hand


On Campus Discounts

Free Admission to Athletics Home Games

Free Admission to Theatre Arts Performances

Free Admission to Petaluma Cinema Series

$5 off Semester Parking Permit/ $2 off Motorcycle Permits

$.50 off Bear's Den with a purchase of $5.00

10% off Bear's Den purchases at both Santa Rosa & Petaluma campus cafe's. Spring 2025: 01/13/25 - 01/24/25

Student purchasing books at SRJC Bookstore


SRJC Bookstore Discounts

10% off bookstore purchases in Santa Rosa & Petaluma (excluding textbooks) year round!

10% off textbooks at the SRJC Bookstores in Santa Rosa and Petaluma first two weeks of the semester! Look for the coupon code in your inbox or show your Virtual ID at the register.

Spring 2025: 01/11/25 - 01/25/25

Man throwing pizza dough in Mombo's restaurant


Off Campus Discounts

Latin woman with glasses and grey hair holding textbook


Gold Card

The Santa Rosa Junior College Gold Card is FREE and is available to 1) all residents of Sonoma County, 2) 60 years old or older and 3) who have a Student ID number. This photo ID card entitles the user to similar * benefits as a CubCard Premium member. The Office of Student Life, Equity, and Engagement can help you obtain a Student ID number for free if needed. 

Click Here To Purchase CubCard Premium!