Starting a club at SRJC is an easy 3-step process:


The first step to starting a club is recruiting club members and finding a club advisor. At minimum, your student membership needs to include three students: 1. a Club President 2. a Club Treasurer, and 3. a third member. If the President is unable to attend club council meetings (see below for council meeting information) then your club will need a Vice President or another club member who will fulfill the President's duty to serve as your club's delegate to club council meetings.


The second step that any new club needs to complete is to fill out the Club Activation Form. Active clubs need to fill out this form each semester to stay active. 
In the Club Activation Form you will fill out information about your club that you’re willing to share with the public as well as provide contact information to our office. Submissions may be edited for length and clarity.



The final step to being an active club at SRJC is ongoing attendance at the either the Inter-Club Council (ICC) for the Santa Rosa campus or the Petaluma Council (PC) the the Petaluma campus. These councils are comprised of the club Presidents (or designated member) from each active club, and only the ICC or PC can officially recognize and activate a new club.

  • ICC meetings are held on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm in the Center for Student Leadership located on the 1st Floor of Bertolini, room #4643.
  • PC meetings are held on Wednesdays at 3:00 pm. in the Petaluma Welcome & Connect Center located in Mike Smith Hall, room 102



More more help and information about starting a club, click on the dropdowns below!


    Getting the word out and recruiting new members is an important part of any successful club. There are multiple ways in which you can help recruit new members to your club.  

    • Post on the MySRJCApp.
    • Ask your teachers if you can make an announcement at the beginning or end of class, and talk to your classmates about the club you wish to start.
    • Make an announcement during public comments at an ICC meeting to inform other clubs about the club you intend to start.
    • Create social media accounts to help promote your club and interact with other clubs on social media.
    • Attend meetings of other clubs and make an announcement.
    • Attend a Student Government meeting and make an announcement during public comments.
    • If you have found someone willing to be an advisor to your club, ask them for help in finding new members and promoting the club.

    Each club is required to find an advisor who is a faculty or staff member at Santa Rosa JC.  While finding an advisor can be an intimidating process, it is an important step that will greatly benefit the success of the club and enhance the experience of the club members.  A good advisor can help the club complete the necessary paperwork, navigate the rules and processes at SRJC, provide guidance and most importantly help club members enjoy their experience.  Below are some steps to help find a club advisor.


    When starting a new club, clubs must consider whether they want to be a Fully Active Club or an Ad Hoc Club.  There are advantages and disadvantages to both options and a club is allowed to change their status if they find either option to not be the best for their club during the semester. 

    Fully Active Club
    The main advantage of a Fully Active Club is the ability to vote on agenda items during meetings and request money from the ICC Trust.  In order to do this a club representative must attend the weekly ICC meetings.

    Ad Hoc Club
    If a member of a club is unable to consistently attend the weekly ICC meetings then becoming an Ad Hoc Club is an option.  Ad Hoc Clubs are recognized by SRJC, their information is posted on the website and they can use SRJC facilities.  They essentially have all of the rights as a Fully Active Club with two main exceptions.  The first is that an Ad Hoc Club should they choose to attend an ICC Meeting will be unable to vote on any agenda items.  The second difference is that an Ad Hoc Club is not allowed to request money from the ICC Trust.  If a club starts out as an Ad Hoc Club but at some point in the semester decides for whatever reason they want to change their status to a Fully Active Club, they can do that.  The same holds true for a Fully Active Club that wishes to change to an Ad Hoc Club once the semester has started.


For convenience, you can fill out the Club Activation Form below.