At SRJC Santa Rosa, the posting of flyers is coordinated by the Office of Student Affairs and the Student Information Desk on the 1st floor of the Bertolini Student Center.
Flyers must be submitted to the Student Information Desk to be posted on the Santa Rosa Campus, and Student Affairs staff will post flyers to pre-approved locations across campus. Members of the public are not permitted to post flyers on SRJC property.
To post flyers for an SRJC program, activity, or event, please bring 14 copies to the Information Desk on the 1st floor of the Bertolini Student Center.
To post flyers for a non-SRJC program, activity, or event, please bring 4 copies to the Information Desk on the 1st floor of the Bertolini Student Center.
Other Posting Options for SRJC Programs
For SRJC programs looking to post to the MySRJCApp, District Calendar, Digital Displays, or Bearfacts Student Newsletter, please fill out and submit the Student Communications Form.