Enterprise and Financial Affairs Club (EFAC)

The Enterprise and Financial Affairs Club (EFAC) provides SRJC students with a comprehensive exploration of personal finance essentials, with a strong emphasis on investment strategies, credit management, and prudent savings practices. Whether you're just a student eager to establish a solid grasp of personal finance or an aspiring major transfer candidate in a related field, EFAC offers an exceptional opportunity to bolster your financial acumen and capabilities.

Application Link: https://forms.gle/ZA3xmamURqknvzMAA 


Meeting Times



Club Contact Information

CLUB EMAIL - efasclub@gmail.com -
PRESIDENT Anthony Spinozzi anthonyspinozzi494@gmail.com -
TREASURER Cristian De La Maza  - -
ADVISOR Prof. Mark Wilson mwilson@santarosa.edu (510) 717-6535


CLUB LOGO Placeholder



Please make sure to list our club name in the notes - Thank you for your donation!

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