Student Government Assembly (SGA) group photo. 2024-2025.


Want to learn more about Student Government Assembly and how to get involved as a Student Leader at SRJC?

Contact Zack Miranda - Coordinator, Student Government Programs

We currently have openings for:

Students interested in representing the student voice on committees

Review the SGA Bylaws for descriptions of each position and reach out to Zack Miranda with questions.

You can also just show up to SGA meetings, Monday at 3pm and ask to be appointed!

Due to current concerns regarding COVID-19, your representatives in Student Government Assembly are moving to a virtual environment in order to continue representing students. All upcoming meetings for the Student Government Assembly will be happening virtually, using Zoom Video Conferencing. For information regarding upcoming meetings and agendas, please refer to the agendas and minutes page here.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Student President at

Student Government Meets Every Monday of the Fall and Spring Semester from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the Senate Chambers (Bertolini Student Center, Santa Rosa), with videoconferencing available in the Welcome and Connect Center's conference room (Mike Smith Hall, Petaluma)

Current SGA Meeting Agendas & Minutes

SGA Meeting Agendas & Minutes Archives

All students who enroll at Santa Rosa Junior College are recognized as members of the Student Body and are afforded privileges and responsibilities through this membership.

This includes representation by the Student Government Assembly. For more information on what it means to be a member of the Student Body or opportunities for involvement, stop by one of our offices on the Santa Rosa and Petaluma campuses or visit us on facebook.

Learn more about the Public Service Fellowship and Get Paid to Get Heard!

SGA Budget Governing Documents Students Elections Student Fees 9+1 Student Rights Public Service Fellowship Program

SGA Logo   Supported by CubCard Premium